Thursday, 26 January, 1945


Dearest Folks,

Well, a lot has happened since I last wrote you, but few things that I can tell you about. I’m feeling tip top, and have good quarters sand meals. My only gripe is the cold - it’s so intense, and, to top it all, most of the time I ride around in an open "peep." The mountains here are so darned high and the valleys so deep--the roads are, therefore, a mass of twists and turns - most of them rather slippery. The village we are staying in now sits out on the nose of a mountain and overlooks the valley and the huge hills beyond. Believe me it’s really something to see the whole country covered with a blanket of snow about a foot or two deep. But just anything that resembles Oklahoma would make my heart leap with joy. Once, I get back to the states and the sunny southeast, I never want to roam again - even the trees are covered with snow.

My work here as Liasion Officer for this Battalion is very interesting but many is the time I have to make runs late at night. Last night I finished rather early - about ten o’clock - but we had a staff meeting causing me to stay up till nearly one a.m. I got my sleep on the wrong end of the night. I slept till nine o’clock. Maybe I can get plenty of snoozing after the war. Dorothy and I plan to take a month’s vacation after the war if time permits before we return to school. We want to spend a few days with each of our families then go off to ourselves for awhile. I’d give about anything to see you now - it has been so darned long.

Last night we had a treat for supper - baked chicken, but it wasn’t as good as you can cook Mother. As a rule we have pretty good food but occasionalty things take a turn for the worse. As long as we are given as good food as we are now, I sure won’t kick a bit.

As yet I haven’t received mail from you since I left the states, but it should be coming through in a week or two. I hope so because I’m really aching for news from home. I’ll close now and eat dinner, after which I’ll be on my way over the country again.

as ever,


P.S. I would send this air mail but I’m conserving my small supply (of stamps) until my order is deliverd.
