My first real camera was a Minolta SRT 202. Then in 2000 I discovered digital photography when I bought a 2 megapixel Nikon Coolpix 950. That had me hooked and as soon as a reasonably price SLR became available I bought a Nikon D70. The the really big step of buying a Nikon 70-200 F2.8 lens. Then a D300 and later a D7000. The cameras just keep getting better. Photography helps get me outdoors and helps keep my technical skills sharp. I enjoy post processing and putting together online albums.
Photo Album Links
used to generate my albums. Easy to use and comes with free
online storage
Fracture Pictures printed directly on glass. Small company with a personal touch. Very cool product.
500PX Some incredible photos from around the world
I hope you enjoy the web site. Feedback is always welcome. I can be contacted via email at